pucker up

almost there 2002-11-24 5:43 p.m.

This is my last Sunday ever in the dungeon. AKA my job, the place that does not allow me to receive any sunlight. The take the elevator down to the basement, walk to the left of nothing, pass the morgue, to my office, job. I can't wait to leave I really can't. I don't want to really come in on wednesday so I think I am going to take it off. I really don't want to be wasting money, but it is really unneccessary for me to come in. I do need the money. Let me see how I feel. Yeah I think I am going to take Wedesday off because I would have to go from work to school to the bus. At least that's what I will say.

Me and my mom went to go pack some shit at the fucking dirt hole I use to live in and it was such a headache. My grandmother just sat and stared ad started with me. Watched me like a hawk as if I were to steal something. But really it's all to start trouble. Whatever I just left without getting anything done ad with a large headache. It's nothing I need to concern myself with. I mean if everyone else can turn this all into a big joke why can't I? I am going to try my best to not concern myself with too much around me the next couple days. I am just going to sit here and watch Hook and take my sweet ass time answering the telephones. What are they going to do? Fire me. ahahhaha.

I really just want to get down there already. I want to be able to not run into anyone I know at the grocery store. Having to be embarrassed of the Cool Whip and pumpkin pie in my bag. I just can't wait, there's an art school there where I can take some classes when I get a car. I hope that my friend decides to move down there for real. Not because I'll be lonely but because she's going to be alone.

Pray to God, that's what I'll do! Wish me luck!

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