pucker up

Happy Mother's Day 2003-05-11 10:27 a.m.

Happy Mother's Day to all. there are so many young mothers here at work. You know what the weird thing is? They are happy to be young Mothers. Here is a place where the women take responsibility for their children. Babies are truly a blessing here, not a tatic. Not a sad attempt to trap an un-employed loser into marriage. Ha not even, a sad attempt to have him move in and keep you up at night by his abscense. the children you have to fake a moral stand when all you care for is getting him on lock down. these children here will not be left to their Grandparents while their young mother's hit the clubs spying on their uninterested fathers. These newborn will not be carted to a detention facility or jail to wave at an inmate through plated glass. These children will not suffer premature birth because a mother won't quit smoking. I think it was excellent the first time I heard,"I think I might be pregnant. i can't wait to find out!!!" It was something someone tried for, wanting a little girl. 22, married and on their second, with an employed husband and a house to live in. That is great. So for all the mommies who don't care about the given situation. Only care about how to make it work for the child and not themselves. For all the single mommies that do it because they have to and not because they want something. for everyone that's a MOM, it's your day! Anyone else, you got a year to try again!!!

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