pucker up

Bull's Eye 2004-08-29 4:41 p.m.

I had fun last night. We all went out for fun and dancing, it was a night I could breathe and I was happy. Then Lisa's boyfriend got pissed because she didn't go home. Umm..well she wasn't at my place. Luckily I was dead asleep and didn't pick up the phone. The message was quite colorful in it's, "Tell Lisa to take the cats and her shit and move out..." Yeah I didn't return that phone call. The message he left on her phone was even better,"Have a nice life, just telling you that I've moved on I suggest you do the same. Have fun hanging out with you fat lying behind your back heffer of a friend, you wouldn't know a good friend if they slapped you in the face." Yeah he meant me, I love how people like to blame me for shit all the time.

Highschool doesn't end, oh well he doesn't know me and I know Lisa talks shit because of they way we are. I mean everyone has to vent, that doesn't bother me. I just feel like a target as usual.It'll get better some day.

On a funner note, Karen's loser boyfriend never got hired hahaha. That's what she gets for fucking me over.

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