pucker up

Jersey Blues 2005-01-13 8:16 a.m.

I just got back from a few days in Jersey. I left just in time to beat the snow. I had a nice time though I felt super self conscious from the holiday weight I had put on. Quick tip, just do your hair differently and dye it from the last time you were there. The first thing I did when I got there was go to Mandee's to try to find a pair of brown boots. Melissa dropped me off at home and when my mom got there, we went to Payless, K-mart, Rainbow and another Mandee's just trying to find anything!!! I just don't have boots anymore, it's too hot here. Even when the weather drops to the 40's I still can get away with open toed shoes. To no avail, I didn't find them so I wore black all weekend.

My friend Melissa got so retarded teh very first night. I had made plans to hang out with my friends and do kareoke at this one bar. Also lucky for me I ran into an ex boyfriend. (Gary, the really nice one that I never slept with.) First she acted stupid when I told her that he called me over and he hadn't even looked at her (Gary is her ex boyfriend's best friend.) "He must not have recognized me..." On and on she went, "now I have to go discuss with him...He was interrogating you about me for Mark." "No sweetey, he was talking to me because whether or not you want to acknowledge it, we dating for half a year. We were having a good time then she got that stupid slutty drunk and wanted to check out the other local bars to see who we will run into. Okay, I was having fun and also wearing a shirt that was showing a chunk of cleavage that the mainstreem bar crowd might not be able to take. Like an asshole though I agreed to leave with her and then come back after our song came up.

We went up and sang Me and Bobby Mcgee and got a good applause. The DJ tells me that was good, she chimes in and said we only sounded good cause I can sing. Then the rest of the night she kept telling all the guys on and on about it. I don't want to sound like a dick but it seriously was my vocals, she barely had her lips to the mike. It's like she gave me a bit of attention then regretted it. finally I made plans to hang out with Gary after 3 the next day and she went retarded and was like"I don't know if I can go I have to do this and that blah blah." Fantastic Melissa, you weren't invited.
Even when we went to Molly's and I was talking to Joey and Tony. She practically gritted her teeth when saying, "you got some new admirers". Then as I brushed it off because who would take those two seriously anyway, "tony's mine" she grunts. Was i not mistaken, aren't you fucking some dork, Frank? I thought friends weren't suppose to be like that.

Really, how old does she have to be to realize that I am not that 16 yr old tomboy anymore. Guys do look at me more than the girl who can chug right with them. I mean I kind of so how less she thought of me in comparison to herself. Like any guy wants her not me, she seriously was trying to convince herself of it. So well, maybe it's time that I tell her that her ex boyfriend had a crush on me when they were dating and acted on it right before I moved to florida. I would love to tell her how he asked me to sleep over and we had sex all night long and even in the morning. I guess I can't keep that on my chest any longer and well her ego might fucking get a reality check.

SIDE NOTE: she left him for mark (cheated on him with mark) and they were broken up clean for over three years) It really was something that just happened and I stopped it right away really hurting his feelings, that and well I moved to florida like two weeks later.

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