pucker up

Life isn't want you think it would be after Highschool 2002-07-17 2:00pm

Okay I don't have too much time to write this because I have to leave for the job I hate. My former best friend works there to and she just gets on my last freaking nerve. I have never met a bitch who went Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, for no reason at all. Just try to imagine your, fun best friend, who has a spirit well like your own, become THE BIGGEST KISS ASS, FAKE, OPPURTUNISTIC, PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Sure there are people worst than her but in your vicinity she's it. Look out folks because this so called "friend for life" will turn her back on you in a heartbeat. If you are still in high school and are reading this, this will become at least one of your best friends, probably two. The beginning signs are acquiring strange fetishes. You see, we'll call her Fabio, started saying she couldn't eat her food if it touched. Fabio use to spit back wash back into her glasses and continued to drink it. GROSS. She also started to talk a lot about herself and how everyone is jealous of her. I am one for confidence, but let's be realistic, you look in the mirror everyday, you should no that you aren't a super-model. Also when you get older, looks and weight don't mean very much. The boy�s standards tend to drop drastically. Like all the guys that picked on me in high school because I was out-spoken and over-weight, are trying to dive into my pants at all cost. These morons think they are wooing you by telling you how gorgeous you are and how much weight you lost. Too bad you actually gained 40 pounds since high school, lost 30 of it only recently, and are still 10 pounds heavier than the "cow" they thought you were in high school. Don�t worry girls they'll all gain wait and move furniture by the time they are 22. I'm sorry, it isn't all that bad, I am just one of the plenty that are in a rut. I desperately want to go back to school but two credit cards can lead to a lot of debt. Losing my license and selling my car didn't help me much either. You can also trace a lot of my troubles back to my parents, but that's a story to come. Until then please love and take care of yourself.

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