pucker up

Revenge is Sweet 2002-07-19 12:40 p.m.

Hello diary. Ha always wanted to say that. I am bored and I talked to Melissa earlier, she told me that she isn't getting out of work until 3. Then told me how her car has to go straight to Mark's work afterwards, like I give a fuck. I love when people tell me to call them, and then give me attitude like they're the only people that ever had to work. I know she's getting out two hours later than usual, but really that's still only an eight hour day. Anyway, that was enough to start off my day in aggravation. I got an e-mail in response to my resume. Cool, it's for a full-time position in J.C. for data entry. I suck at typing because I am out of practice, but I think I would love that job. I kind of want to go out tonight, yet I don't want to go anywhere around here. I don't feel like getting my night ruined because some LOSERS have nothing better to do then to goof on me from across the bar for like 45 min. straight.

I guess my feelings weren't hurt. They shouldn't because the guy fucking around with me didn't even graduate High school, gained a lot of weight, and also didn't have a phone for most of his teenage life. I hate making fun of people because they have some type of hardship, but he has no problem making fun of me even though I have never been anything but nice to that freak.

The shithead girl should be ashamed of herself. She's a year older and a mother. Out partying, wasting what should be her only night out talking about me. Hey I am flattered but she is in no place to talk about me, especially when I am better then her. On top of that I just might have to pop her in that fucking large nose of hers. Stupid bitch, and a coward at least do it to my face, don't stop suddenly because you noticed me looking.

Well anyway, I gave them the finger and kept chatting away. She, let's call her Gonzo, probably was just in shock because this homely tomboy has become one cute Curlysue. It's tough when you were the "it" thing back in the day and everyone stops paying attention to you. Then you find that the one person you swore you had looks on is getting more boys then you. I enjoy it, too bad she can't.

I use to get sooo hung up about my weight, I still am a lot, but no one else seems to be. I have caught the eyes of a lot of hotties this past year. I hope I get thinner because it seems it'll only get better. Now I have control, and I don't have to let these guys walk all over me. Or pretend they don't know me around their friends. Or tell me it's a secret. FUCK'EM ALL.

Okay those two fuckheads last weekend did get to me. Damn, that only leaves me with revenge. I was looking for a person to use my crushed and powdered laxatives on. Now I have too. I believe in revenge I think it is sweet. I think that you should stoop down to their level. I would even stoop lower. Yes I would. I still got payback for my parents too; I will be at peace soon enough.

Alright I am starting to sound like a mad scientist trying to take over the world or something. Well I feel like Pinkie more then the brain. Well I got to get going now because I have to walk, walk, and walk.

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