pucker up

Henry 2003-01-05 12:50 p.m.

Let me tell you about a new person in my life. His name is Henry, the Madagascar Hissing Cockeroach. Okay he may not be exactly from there, but he is large. Last night around 11 I decided to dump the ice out of my drink. Well as I turned on the light I saw the fucker out of the corner of my eye. Ubelievably, one of the fucking roaches they use in "Fear Factor" is in my sink. He knew to run too. It's like he was smart. I called up Daniel screaming about good old Henry and I decided that I couldn't sleep knowing he was there to assinate me. I figure I should take him out before he takes me out. Ugh... I get a large plastic cup and a piece of cardboard hoping that I can scoop, cover, then discard. I mean I want the little shithead dead and my thoughts are, "It's the garbage disposal for you." I hate bugs, they make my skin crawl, itch, just thinking about them. It's like psyco symatic and to boot I have wild curly hair that twines and intertwines, and feels like a bug would love it in there. I twitch, I jitter, I get skeeved. So I am screaming, lowly, and conversing about why Henry's there. I approach him, I see his three inch long anttenie. Umm... he hissed at me, I ran, went back again after less than a minute. He's gone!!! I don't know where he went. He's somewhere there. I put a towel under my bedroom door so he couldn't get in, went to 24 hr Wal-Mart, and Raided his ass. Well where I thought he was. I still tucked the towel under my bedroom door. I thought though that this morning I saw a Henry sized space of the towel un-tucked. Maybe he's not dead. I hate bugs.

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