pucker up

My friends are gone 2003-01-11 1:27 p.m.

I am a little bummed today. My friends who did the Disney program left this morning. The program ended last week but they went on a road trip and came and spent a night at my place then flew back to Jersey an hour ago. We had so much fun doing nothing but making fun of people. I mean I was tearing everyone a new one. You see Coleen has no budgeting skills whatsoever. She also has no real place to stay. She was going to stay with her Mom but that fell through. Her mother didn't want to be told who to date or what to do. Then her sister invited her to stay with her. Christine's roommate Dan wasn't about it. He felt Coleen had a habit of moving in with people. Then he decided she had two weeks. Yeah alright, she doesn't have a cent to her name. It would cost like 1600 dollars to get an apartment. Then it would take forever to find a place. I know she isn't anyones responsiblity, but two weeks is not very reasonable. So now she's going to move in with her Alcoholic father. I mean we kept saying that at least he'd offer her a beer. Not his southern comfort, but a beer, you know cause she's his first born and all.

My solution for the problem was I thought she should just give Dan head. I mean if she went down on him, he'd add on a few more days. Ugh... people are so dumb. So we went on and on with this ridiculous scenerio like it was the cat's pajamas. We were making up songs about Coleen giving Dan head. Me and Kristyn were thinking that we should to. You know since he's such a class act. I will be right back. Sorry my boss walked in. I don't know if anyone can understand my sense of humor. It's totally sarcastic. I don't know if it's how I execute my lingo or something, but everyone gets a kick out of it. I mean it'll be better off that she doesn't go there beacause also her sister's boyfriend is a moron. Oh Eric looks like he was molded out of a piece of shit. Certainly acts like one. They got into a fist fight like two years ago. So he pretends to like her and be her friend. Whatever that won't last. He hates her and I hate him. Okay I am just rambling on now, like you know any of these people. So we spent the night just talking shit about everyone these people they will have to see tonight. Yuck. I am glad I am here. They so don't want to go back. Well I really decided that I would miss them. I mean other than sleeping they spent like 6 hours at my place. They messed the fucking joint up, and we weren't even drinking. So now like my only two close friends just moved away. I think that they'll eventually come back. I mean Coleen has like no chance of getting a place, and it's not happening with Kristyn. Kris can stay home, but Coleen is going to suck. She going to go so down hill. Ho hum, if she makes it down here I'll take her in and put her through boot camp so she can learn to fend for herself. She has to she needs her own place or needs to learn how to provide herself with things. 23yrs old, noone likes to give a fuck about you. Everyone will talk about her, yet noone is willing to help her. No offers to help teach her how to pay bills. She was asking about furniture and stuff, I wanted to tell her that was the least of her worries. You are about to embark on your new life of having nothing. No more luxuries for you. You don't even have a place yet. You will be dining off of cardboard. Okay I didn't want to see like I am ranting, fuck actually I don't even want to give a fuck. I don't want to care about other people's problem. I helped they way I could and that included stressing how fucking great it is to have all the privacy in the world. It really is. I should go.

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