pucker up

Prankster 2003-01-14 5:29 p.m.

I don't know where to begin, such a weird ass thing happened today. I just got back in from lunch and sat down at my desk. My cell phone starts going off and I pretend to ignore it while everyone else notices it. so I decide to answer it and it's this guy billy from highschool. Billy use to be one of my old wrestling partners that I have seen like twice since i graduated. he was talking all sexy asking me how I was doing. I was like blushing then he's like,"I got your resume in front of me." My job drop, I told him that I moved to Florida and have a great job here. I then also told him to keep in touch and if him and some of my other old buddies want to come visit to not lose my number. Then I rushed off the phone cause i had to get back to work. Yeah I thought he was hitting on me, well he didn't have to call me up personally. Can't blame me for almost having that crazy ass fantasy come true, all without motive. Other then he regrets missing his chance with me. My funny life, I sware.

So there's this girl at work that hates me. Well she sure acts it. I haven't done anything to her but she is like one of those bitchy, conceited, hispanic girls. I know that as of now overall I give a nice girl impression. She's a bully who's taking it as i am a pushover. Okay fucking dokay. I don't need to be acting like a maniac at this new job. I don't need to shatter all of these nice impressions people have of me. I don't need to prove that if you bug me I'll tear you a new asshole. She's such a fucking idiot though. she doesn't know who's she's messing with. Considering that the manager is my friend and karen's boyfriend. The boss' secretary invites me over to watch the bachelor all the time. I am good friends with ehr roomate. Also the big boss loves me and is already giving all this extra responsiblity and shit. I guess that's why she hates me. It just makes me laugh because well, if she only knew.

Noone needs to get their ass kicked today. I did an evil thing, well I have been doing evil things. I have been leaving my boss some crazy ass anomynous notes. Like I'm under the bed. We're watching you. For like two weeks now. i don't know, I figure that he would never suspect me which he hasn't. I just wonder what he would do if he ever found out. Tee hee, I guess I am just deprived of all the pranks I use to pull. Like i love, once a year, picking a random person to crank call. It would be a person though that like i had History with. The whole thing is that I would never be suspected.

I am so juvenile, I fucking love it. i think that's what keeps me sane. Oh and all of the freakkin International Pen Pals I have. they keep pouring in. They are all from places that I want to visit too. How conveinient. So I sware I came on today with a purpose, but I always lack that. I think I am going to catch up on all of my buddy's diaries.

Oh please sign my guestbook and leave me notes. Even if you hate me, i love negative feedback. I have had it all my life. Don't forget about my surveys too.

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