pucker up

out for drinks 2003-01-19 1:17 p.m.

This weekend was okay, I went out for drinks with my manager and this dude from coporate. It was so much fun. I think I found out all the black mail possible in the world. I mean down to the owners of the resort. I am talking dirty old men. Then we all talked about going on a cruise for my birthday.

So the guy from coporate is so fucking cute. A total maniac, wow. I don't get involved with the people I am working with though, not with the way people talk around here. I still gave him my number though.

After all the fun and games I got dropped of and went straight to bed. I had a weird dream. I was still in Jersey and it was the night before I was leaving. For some reason I beeped John (my ex) and we were talking on our cells. So it was a strange conversation then I just said well I am heading over by your house I'd like to see you. Tehn he tells me he can already see me. I see him pulling around the corner to pick me up. I was so happy to see him.

I mean I hate this guy, and I don't understand what i ever saw in him. I mean I can't even find him cute anymore because he has such an ugly heart. It's been like a year since I last saw him and I had nothing for him. Why do I still dream about him? And they are like always happy dreams. What a dick.

I should put a rush on changing my cell # soon because some boys call and I don't want anyone to remind me of what I left. like i said i am trying to become a nice calm person.

Okay I am lying, I like to be mean. Tee hee, no I don't. I JUST LIKE TO BE FUNNY. gee

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