pucker up

I am Invincible 2003-01-22 7:48 p.m.

Okay I had alot go on, well two things. First things first, Henry came back. I caught him in my cleaning closet, by surprise. I think he was positioning himself for attack or sniper. I open the door closed it right away. I then got my bug spray and went to town. I tore that natzi motherfucker a new asshole. fucking excellent he screamed for help but I showed no mercy. NOT IN MY HOUSE BITCH. I scooped him up using aplastic bag and pipecleaners. I wasn't touching him, the he went right in the garbage disposal. peace fuckhead.

After my victory I got a bit dizzy since I pretty much gassed myself out with poison. (everything in excess) I began to think about war. I thought about Sadam and how he has look alikes all over to test the waters for him. I hope that I didn't win a battle just to start a war. What if that wasn't henry? I think I should still stay on my toes.

Now HEAD, is a fucking cunt. I assumed she was told something by my supervisor, might I add it's because of her poor behavior towards Kris. Luis announced my supervisor role at nights today so I think she was pissed. Fuck that high forehead of hers. later on out of nowhere she wanted to speak to me. I went over and she told me that my work shirts were in over at the club-house. whatever she never talks to me. Sure enough I went to the clubhouse on my break and they weren't there. I wasted my break doing all of that. So she thinks that she's cute right. so when I get back I said to her, " Oh you saw my shirts at the clubhouse." she said it said Bernice, fails at my last name. Okay, instead of going medeival on her ass, I went to my supervisor and said loudly,"You know Luis, carla said she saw my shirts at the clubhouse. I went there yesterday and they weren't there, now today not even an hour after Carla said she saw them, they aren't there again. I don't know what's going on. I mean I have been waiting on them for a long time." I repeated that to the secretary, department manger, then again to Luis. finally he went up to her and asked her about it and she said," I did, I don't know why she's making such a big deal, I saw it, maybe it was a different person's with the same name." Luis then said I was the only one who worked there. tee hee. the head Manager smiled the whole time because he you what had happened and what was going on. Before hand he came up and sw I was so angry and gave me a shoulder rub telling me if there is anything i need. right in front of HEAD. What a hoe. I won the battle, and I will be damn sure to win the war. Later on the department manager told me he liked my style. That ended up so much bettr then me walking in and drop kicking her in the chest.


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