pucker up

Nutball 2003-01-27 8:33 p.m.

I have had a strange day. The lady who picks me up for work sometimes went nuts today. She was kind of late and showed up all upset. I mean no makeup, out of uniform. Okay she wears a lot of make-up so I know she didn't cry it all off. She kept pointing out too how she was out of uniform over and over again. Well she tells me that her son has kicked her out. Normally when she talks about him she goes on and on about how she doesn't want him coming with her when her lease is up. Today she tells me the lease is in his name. Florida is real weird and if you have clothes and stuff at someone's place they have to go through court and give you 30 days before they can kick you out. I told her this and she didn't want to hear it. She's like 50 or something and her son has no car and has to use hers. I told her fuck it and to get her own place, he'd be sorry. She goes on and on telling me how she's in such shambles and had to take a zanax. She really acting it up to, I mean I thought she was going to crash the car.

fuck! She was causing such a thing, and I told her over and over that she needed to compose herself before we got into work. As soon as she gets in she calls the manager and tells him she needs to speak to him. She was like out of her mind, I do believe that she took a pill. Okay try to have tact, once again, because you�re old. She then sat at the main desk and called people and repeated the problem over and over again. After Luis sent her home. Then she brought her shit into the break room. At this point the main boss says out loud,� I know she has issues, but go home. I am not paying her to cry. She has been in the break room the whole time she's been here making her problems everyone else's. Clock out go home." This was said to the entire office. I mean I went to go check on her and she was acting like she was on crack. I didn't even know if she would be able to drive.

Alright I don't want to seem heartless, but she loves drama. She loves attention. I gave her quick solution to all of her problems and she didn't want to hear any of them. I mean try to handle things with class. You do not bring drama into the workplace, especially when you work in hospitality and have a boss like ours. Then I don't know why, but she sent this scummy neighbor of hers to our office to pick up a picture of him. ?!?!? I was manager on so I asked about her. Oh she's okay she's got an apartment. Nice oh good for her, why are you here?

From now on tell Sonya to keep her personal life out of the workplace and please not to send you in here for unacceptable reasons. I know she's upset, but a word of advice, what happen today cannot ever happen again. He understood. I insisted that she made sure she was in tomorrow when she said she would be.

I mean even before all of this shit, she didn't come in yesterday. No call no show. She's so irresponsible; she can't even handle a cell phone and was crying about how her minutes ran out. STOP BUYING SHOES! I don't understand how you can have no sense at that age. That's what I told her, I mean you should live alone and be able too. 20.30, I maybe understand not being able to take care of yourself, for real 50 yrs old and you are acting like a bigger baby then I did.

Okay I am done ranting and raving. I don't want to talk shit and this is the only way I can get it out. I mean she's really nice but is just one of those people who loves drama in their life. I have friends like that but it just boggles my mind because she's so old. Ugh I got to go.

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