pucker up

Blah 2003-02-11 3:27 p.m.

I have no idea what is going on with me lately. I just feel Blah. You know. My friends are wondering what's wrong. I mean nothing much, I just am not funny at all times. I am pretty damn close to it though. It's like I suddenly found control over the volume of my voice and people think I am depressed. Far from it. But I am Blah. Nothing lately has been sparking

my interest, so I guess that's why what I write is not interesting. Go figure.

There is this one thing, I know someone is getting fired and noone else does. Well of course management. Remember crazy lady, well she actually whined her self ot un-employment. She thinks she got her way and that she's going back to her old schedule, well she's coming in on Thursday to get fired. That sucks man. I mean I know I have spent time taking shots at her. I mean she's just under her 990 day review and she thinks she's getting a raise, insurance, the whole nine yards. she has been aggravating talking about the urologist and how her mother's coming from puerto rico to help her move. Crazy lady is like 50 yrs old. She still needs her mommy. but remember she's getting fired. I feel so guilty for her. Is that weird. Well anyway if you have stopped by today leave me a note. Also check out entries from last month I have been boring lately.

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