pucker up

Indiana Jones 2003-02-16 6:03 p.m.

I had this cool long entry but I erased it by accident. Okay on a serious note, yesterday at the happiest place on Earth something terrible happened. The Indiana Jones stunt show end abbruptly when the harnest snap and sent Indie plummetting down two stories. It was said there was blood everywhere adn he wasn't to make it through the night. He's in critical condition. I know this might sound weird, I don't know him or anything but I would like to ask you guys to say a prayer for him. I mean this just struck a nerve somehow and I am so concerned. I mean there you are, just doing your job at Disneyworld and snap...i mean down you go. Is it such a freak accident, but how many of those shows have you gone to or seen?

Well on a lighter note my sister and uncle are coming in 6 days to visit. yeah!!!! I have a nice little week planned though I can only hang with them three days out of it. It'll be nice for them to see how I am. I just don't know where I am going to put them. All i have in a futon, no furniture. I don't even have extra blankets or anything for them to sleep on. I guess i'll figure it out. I hope it won't be a continuous problem, I mean I would like to have company over at some point. I just can't wait to get curtains, it's hard whenI don't have all of the money in the world. Well little by little. Remember I am accepting donation. *wink wink* It can't hurt, $3.37 given by ten people can buy me a set.

Let's talk about other things now, lucky me, my friends are going to Jersey to vacation and drop off Coleen's cat. On the way back they are going to bring my amazing ferret. it's only thirty dollars, awesome. There isn't anyhting else new other then Mel and mark are coming soon too.

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