pucker up

David Hasselhoff 2003-03-02 6:58 p.m.

Whoa I had one hell of a week, I am telling you that freaking company and guests are so fucking exhausting. So how's everyone out there. I know my last few entries were so nuts but I always said I would write my past down here too. My present hasn't been so exciting. though today I had the office in stitches while I made a david Hasselhoff Collage. It's so cool. I had this obsession with Baywatch for awhile.

tonight I can't wait to go home and relax in a bath and be all by myself. it will be quiet. More good news from work, two managers and the boss will be going a a week long business trip. Who have they picked to cover while they are gone. ME! they said I will keep everything flowing while they are gone. Also I will get over time. Isn't that crazy, a big child like myself, being the one they count on. It makes me laugh, also makes me flattered. they brought me in the office to let me know how appreciated I should feel. I just feel good because I never had the opportunity to finish college. what little I did I had to pay out of pocket. I am always so worried of how taht'll hold me back. My boss has all of these degree and stuff so I figured that's what he woul look for. that day he told me that if he was me, he would have never spent the money he did to have my skills. Stupidly I don't know exactly what he meant. I know it seems clear, but the way he said it I don't know if he meant it along the lines of ambition or intelligence. Well anyway I left him an autograph pic of David Hasselhoff taped to his Computer. tee hee.

Does anyone remember 21 Jumpstreet?

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