pucker up

a poet 2003-03-08 4:30 p.m.

I had this great entry that I had written out and it didn't get added. Well thanks to all of that under-age drinking I have done my short term memory had not allowed me to reproduce it.

All of my hard work has paid off at work. All of those lazy bitches get to see me take lunch meetings and hear me talk about going to Fort Lauderdale. Yep, that's where I am going to take a seminar to learn a new system. Oh yess I am moving up in this world.

I am insanely tired because I have been working so much. I love the over-time pay though. I don't really have too much time other than watch an old episode of Felicity while I pass out. Soon all of my stuff can be done and settled so i can relax a bit. I got a bit more sleep last night so I am not as cranky as usual. though my guest book and entries may show different. I think I am going to reward myself with a copy of Teen Wolf or Revenge of the nerds. My one friend told me to buy a porn. Yeah that's what I need to reward myself, something that'll remind me again how strangely disinterested in sex i have been.

It's sad to think that here I am 22, and my sexual peak so far was when i was 16. Read that last sentence out loud, it sounds even sadder. Maybe they took my lust when they stole my galbladder. Oh the fucking rhymed. An ironic poem, that's my life. Oh so more news from work, I might become a manager soon. I bet I don't get a raise but it'll be cool.

I got to get going people keep trying to read over my shoulder like I have an interesting life. I have to go to the pharmacy and pick up some stuff so I got to go.

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