pucker up

MJF 2003-04-02 6:12 p.m.

Oh boy I bet my stats look like crap. Everytime I go towrite in here it's always the same. Lot's of work blah blah blah. I am hoping to go out tonight though and unwind a bit. Finally Iget to go to the beach on Friday. Maybe I can get the tan that everyone back home thinks I have already.

Works okay, I had a freak attack the other day but it prompted my boss to tells us how good me and Lisa are doing on our parts. He commented on the team work of the off-sites, but they just don't want anything to do with me or Lisa. I commented about being a supervisor but well my boss figured that everyone would quit. Whatever! Then maybe I can hire people who actually work.

I continue my stroll down memory lane by purchasing Teen Wolf 1 & 2, and the back to the future trilogy. Yep a Micheal J. Foxathon. He's so dreamy, I need to get the Secret to my success too. Other than that I don't have to much to say. Just cracking my smart ass jokes and staying on top. (I think)

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