pucker up

Rich 2003-04-28 5:58 p.m.

Well I really should be working but I am being bad and playing on the net instead. So speaking of work, I talked to my boss and got my raise. it's not much but hey I got it. When i walked in he seemed so relieved that I wasn't mad at him anymore. I even told him that it wasn't him. I had to throw him a bone somehow. He said that he wouldn't want to see me go and that he'd work with any schedule changes i would have to make and etc... I am in a much better mood than normal. Nothing much else has happened other than I went out on Saturday and someone said something about this guy talking about a fat chick. Okay this guy is like a 35 year old geek and has nothing better to do than name-call. I didn't get upset, we just got up and stopped talking to the guy we were talking about, because his roomate was so fucking rude. He started getting in a yelling bout with my friend. All that happened in the end was that a really hott knight in shining armor came to my rescue. His name was Rich and he's so cute. He apologized for that happening even though he didn't even know the guy. He apologized for mankind, and kept saying he was so sorry that happened to us. he kept talking to me all night long, and he was this great guy that has a good job and owns a house. At this point I stop myself, because I knew why he was so great. I ask him his age and it's 34. That's like 12 years dude, oh but he's so cute. We left the bar and there was a crowd of people trying to see how many people could fit in like a 2 door supra. I don't know how many people were in there but they grabbed us and threw us in. It was so funny.

Well I don't know what to do, 34 but hott. 12 years but nice. I really don't think that I will call him, but maybe I should. I am nuts.

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