pucker up

I Hate the Alexan at Legacy Dunes 2003-05-18 6:02 p.m.

You know my luck really turned to shit this week. I have been trying to get an apartment and there has been something in my way. Well I finally get the money order back from the complex that didn't give me the apartment. i go to the place that issued me the money order so I can either return it or get a whole new one but different amount, and they wouldn't do it. They told me I would have to go through Western Union and like wait 6 weeks, and or get the apartment complex to cash it out and cut me a check. I so need that money as my deposit, I just can't make rent without it. It's $225 that is good but I can't use. Even though I purchased the money order, I can't get it done. I don't even want the cash I just need another money order so I can write another apartment complex's name on it. my life is so aggravating. I called them over at the Alexan, very frustrated and they are going to try to help me. 13 days and counting that I have to find an apartment.

I hope something works out, it's so discouraging to fight to move close to a job that, well I like it, I don't know how I feel about it I guess. It's alot less stressful but things with Lisa are driving me nuts. She can't handle everything so when she asks the manager's for help, she insists that it's me. so now I am still doing the shit they took me off of. If I am busy doing my new responsiblities, she gets upset and says i am being mean and not helping her. Grrr... Now she got offered this great job and for more money, so it goes one of two sucky ways. They match her offer here and now she gets paid like $2 more than me, or she leaves and I get stuck doing everything again. In the end I can only wish her the best, and hope that she does get more money here or I will just be happy for her getting this cool ass job. you know why, because she deserves it, and I really do consider her a great friend. I think that I am so use to the assholes that I hung out with in the past, that I sub-consciously find ways to vent about my friends. let's all hope things work out for Lisa.

I decided to apply for Extreme Make-over on ABC. Maybe I will get that, and then I will get a job on the Cruise. let's all hope things work out for me to. *groan*

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