pucker up

woooaaahhhhhoooo 2003-06-19 4:16 p.m.

It is raining and gross outside. I'm at a friends house in Lake Buena Vista and I can't even enjoy Downtown Disney because it's raining. I love that place. I have just been lounging around soaking up the gray. So much that it collects under my eyes. Is there a reason why I don't sleep sometimes. Do you ever think that maybe your body keeps you awake to help you avoid a nightmare. I know that is kind of a stretch but why not. I haven't really had any trouble sleeping the past month. In fact I have been doing great, sleeping 7 hrs, getting right up, and being in a good mood. Last night I couldn't get it done though so today I am dragging ass. I downloaded a whole bunch of music and finally got out of my swim suit. I gave up around 3:pm of going to the hot tub. So I showered and have decided that from now on when I am getting dressed the theme to "Silk Stalkings" must be playing. Does anyone out there remember that show. I use to love it!

My other guilty pleasures include Baywatch. I love that show to, whenever I am down Mitch and the gang can lift my spirits. I don't know if anyone is out there, but if you are, sign my guestbook, leave me a note. Show me some sign that I am not rambling on.

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