pucker up

Let's Hear it for the Boys 2003-06-22 4:37 p.m.

It has been raining so much lately. It's been a boring day today even with the whole secret office romance. it got so boring so quick. I don't even want to try to break into the ones e-mail. it's so weird that I had a moment of jealousy and it took like 2 days to go away. BAck home I always had guy friends that were super close to me. I guess I can go being single for so long because of that. I would have total devotion and love from my boys and not any of the bad stuff. My guys would always put me first and I loved it. they always seemed to lack a certain selfishness that alot of my girls had. Dave and Sean would drop everything for me if I had a bad day and take me to the movies or dinner. They would sit so objectively while I would decide to break up with yet another guy for no real reason. Deep down inside I knew they were relieved too, they wouldn't lose me. Nto that I would let that happen. I always get so happy when write them or talk to them. I honestly can say that I love them. It's weird how we made intimacy plutonic, we would get change in front of each other, sleep in the same bed and cuddle in front of the TV. maybe they enjoyed being with a girl and not having to deal with any of the bullshit either. I know they never had false intentions with them knowing my issues with sex and stuff.

Anyway back to the point, that guy at work is kind of like that. I am a little brat and didn't want him taken away by her, then I got over it. He's been so sweet and attentive though lately, it's like karma I guess. He calls me when he gets lunch, yesterday he got me a grilled chicken salad,"here you go, no carbs..." So nice! I actually slept in and was going to be late and he called to wake me up. I am a dork I know it.

My mom has also ben so super cute lately. She sent me a package with three pairs of new, cute flip flop, two shirt, 1 body spray and lotion, two candles, toothpaste, 2 belts, and then put $20 in my bank account. I almost cried I felt like a kid that left for their first year in college. she must be psychic because she sent me a shirt that she you definitely didn't fit me when i tried it on, but it does now since I lossed all that weight. She got happy when I told her about the GAP jeans I was able to fit in. I am so motivated, now if it could just stop raining I can work on my tan some more.

Other than Lisa 23rd birthday everyone around me has been the same and doing good. Christi is working things out well with her guy and it's great even if he's leaving for Seattle in August. I should get going and do some work!

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