pucker up

Drama 2003-07-27 7:25 p.m.

Work has been so dead and i have been stuck in cross-fire all weekend.

First the guy from work is depress and having problem with his secret relationship. Well he "loves" talking to me about it because i am sooo fucking honest. I really do feel his pain. I at least made him realize that he thinks they are going out when she says they are, "talking". Terribly enough, they haven't even slept together yet. (Secretly happy about that, I don't know why.)

Then my friend Lisa has been out for a week. She's suppose to be here 5 to 9 weekdays but she doesn't come sometimes and she has an everyday responsibilities. Well since she can't make it everyday they gave it to someone who could. That got rid of her huge headache, and all she has to do is just left over stuff. Well she doesn't want to do that, she doesn't want to talk to the managers because she wants to leave early. She doesn't want to quit, she doesn't she doesn't and so on. I love her, but lately she's been bringing me down.

Finally there's the Christi and Shana mess. They are roomates at least they were. Shana moved out because Christi didn't pay the rent 7 days in advance. Christi pays rent on the 1st when it's due, but that isn't good enough for Shana. it take 7 days for a check to clear and she's, "done floating" christi. Christi was going to give her cash but shana claim she broke an agreement that she never had christi agree to. Whatever. Shana is ridiculous and I tried so hard not to have to choose my loyalties, but she made it too fucking easy. to think I snapped at Christi for giving me a hard time for hanging out with Shana. I am an idiot.

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