pucker up

Get Over It 2003-08-04 8:26 p.m.

I really have a dislike for mosquitos. I got eaten alive on Saturday when I went to a co-workers baby shower. It was sooo cute, she's a bit older, maybe 32 and Puerto Rican. He's older than her and black. her parents refuse to let them date, refused to go to the wedding, and refused to speak to her because he was no good for her. Their minds changed quick after she had their gorgeous granchild. Her little girl Gabrielle is a living, walking, talking doll. Obviously she's mixed, her face looks like it is made of porcelain. She got coffee skin and black curly hair. The tightest little curl all bunched up. It looks like doll hair, I almost wanted to ask the mother if it was. The house is huge and nice, and another reason why the parent changed their minds. I sware the husband is more excited than anyone for the new baby. He kept asking us how we were doing. They had games and events throughout the whole night, and when you'd finish eating and remained dormant for more than 10 minutes, they would bring the tray right to your face. I can't remember the last time I saw so much love as that. It made me happy.

After the party we decided to go to the movies, and unfortunately all but one fell asleep. I only missed twenty minutes which wasn't bad since Bad Boys is like three hours long. The only thing that really bothered me was the one girl's very annoying 13 yr old sister. Grrr...she's like this chubby aggravating little boy crazy thing. Ugh.. she kept wanting to go sit by the, "fine guys." Like she'd have a chance. I know that sounds fucked up but it's true. I was so tired of hearing her talk about it, and they were like 20! I said that, on the drive back she was being a brat about sitting in the middle. Damn if I was going ot move. Then she kept leaning over me telling me to wave at the, "fine guys" inthe car next to us. "See that's why I didn't want to sit in the middle." She couldn't even see what the guys looked like.

Oh I almost forgot, on the way to the movies I dropped my phone in the car and stepped on it. In return I accidentally dialed this guy Pete's number. Man he was so cute, anyway after it disconnected he called me back. We chatted and he didn't even know that I moved down here. We are goingto hang out when I go home for those four days, then he may come visit me in October. It's nice to get some attention here and there. I love it!!! Help me get over that dip at work. The other night they slept with eachother for the first time. She was loaded and he was willing. My stomach turned when I heard the door close behind them. That's awesome, right so sweet, fucking at a house party. I asked to get taken home after that. I can't help it, that all still doesn't sit well with me. Especially because I know she hooked up with someone else the previous night. Whatever I am not going to play in that game. I am psychologically fucked up for even caring, it's got to have something to with my childhood or something. He kept saying little comments about, "Oh it was after you talked to that guy Paul." His name is Pete and you can't have it both ways!!! I should say that just once. Well when I come back with sex stories from my Jersey trip, let's check out his reaction.

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