pucker up

What an Asshole 2003-09-01 2:39 p.m.

Can I tell the world as loud as I can that I am sick of people. I am so tired of being someone's friend. At this age it truly is a hassle. I don't want to do the baby High School shit anymore.

Christi is 25yrs old and a co-worker called her chubby. It wasn't out of malice, it really wasn't meant as an insult even though it's rude. Her world came crashing down. she totally shut down like someone told her she was losing a kidney or something. This went on for the next 2 hours i was there. she never said anything to the girl, never talked to me about it. I just let it be because who can talk to someone when they are that upset. Any other given situation she's been through I have been the whole supportive person. "There assholes, don't worry, you're beautiful..." I have done this like 100 times already, she never wants to hear anything and it's just difficult. I let it go and figure that I shouldn't pester her about it. She fucking plays that little game, "I don't want to talk about it." After a couple hours I asked her if she was still feeling shitty. "Yeah!" Are you kidding me?! She's going to give me a fucking attitude?

"Don't give me a fucking attitude, it's not like I fucking said it!"

What a bitch, I didn't care and I called her later to tell her she had no right to take anything out on me. Especially something that fucking stupid. What's the baby going do when someone actually calls her fat, or tells her she has a big ass out of true hate or anger. Whiny little bitch. She goes on and on how I am all about me because I didn't provide her with a shoulder to cry on and I kicked her while she was down. spoil fucking cunt telling me about my "all about me" attitude. How about I can't take how fucking pathetic you are. If I had a dick she would be singing a different tune. I can't bother with an ungrateful fuck like her. It one thing to want to be comforted, but to expect it. I am not going to kiss anyone ass.

"Your timing couldn't be any worse."

Umm... well when someone pops a fucking attitude with me, I am going to say something. Point, right there, at any given time I don't give a fuck.

"I have sensitive skin and hope to never have as tough as skin as you."

"Fuck you! I'll spend a lot less nights crying myself to sleep then you." I am laughing my ass off at this point.

I don't want to go through it anymore but basically she's from another world. I don't care how sheltered and perfect her life was. She should learn how to adapt. for that bitch to have the nerve to look down on me because of my "life experiences" that she never went through. fuck then you have nothing to cry about. Fuck her, she not only ignorant, she's a fucking hyprocrite. In fact she's kind of slutty too. If she think that she is going to put me down because I am an honest person she can really go to hell. I own an "I Love Me," T-shirt and she really thinks that has anyhting to do with me as a person. I may have low self esteem but I have alot of confidence. You know why because I am an adult that needs to get through day after day. she was talking to me like I act like a child. No I have fun, and I feel great most days as oppose to her. I am not going to let someone else isses start affecting my life. Get a fucking self help book. I told her that fine since I am so offense and she seems to have to hold her tongue around me so much. Well I don't want to be friends with you. Fuck off. Why do I need her or the headache.

She is a baby, and I am not going to get caught between her and another friend because her dependency needs me to prove my loyalty. "Allison was great..." fucking married the shithead then. They spend day and night kissing eachother's asses about how awful there fucking lives are. I am not kissing your's or anyone else's back. How dare you talk to me about my maturity when you're crying like a little fucking bitch over a comment that wasn't even me. "I've been called fat there twice now." what am I suppose to boycott my job now because it hurt her feelings. Hey why don't you try not crying over nothing? All anyone has to do is ask me for something or tell me what they want. I am not a mind reader and apparently I should have been. What a dilluted bitch.

Also just because you don't step on the scale, it doesn't make you any thinner. When someone calls me chubby, I don't act like it's a new fucking revelation. Like I would have never known unless they said something.

"She has no right to say that to me. she cuts people down to make herself feel better."

That girl could give a flying fuck about christi. I called that one and got the fuck out of dodge when I could. I have no time for that shit.

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