pucker up

Flawless 2003-09-02 3:17 p.m.

The faint smell of Pink Lemonade and Diet coke prove to make you Flawless.

I bury myself in Olive tones and submit to you and every touch leaves me paralyzed.

I succumb to all that is you and you take me away to your world and make me powerless.

You want control and will take nothing less. I admit I am enticed and not at all surprised.

When we met I thought then I could make you mine and you have not let that be the case.

You, without any effort or any regret have stole me and left nothing for anyone else.

I have never met a rosy cheeked thief whose crimes go on ignored in every place.

It seemed that you had engulfed me when in return I have consumed you with no help.

I can�t tell anymore if I am sick and my obsession lacks good health. Was it you?

Infatuation seeps deep in my mind. It�s not what you want, to own me like now.

What you need is someone to pay you tribute in emotions and not in public, that�s true.

For someone who asks for nothing you seem to want everything. My question is how?

�Tell all now how it is, where it was, and what it will be. Those shall know and then they�ll see. All I do is give all of me. Do the same you�ll be as flawless as me.�

Is that it, just like that? Driven by truth and honesty you have kept me all this time.

You left and I still think of you because of that. As easily said, is it done?

Never any game to play, no riddle to be solve or clues to be found, no reason or rhyme.

If this isn�t it and just another competition I give up. You have clearly won.

�Tell all now how it is, where it was, and what it will be. Those shall know and then they�ll see. All I do is give all of me. Do the same you�ll be as flawless as me."


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