pucker up

1st or 2nd degree burn 2003-09-13 11:04 a.m.

Can we talk about my clumsy ass. Okay good we can, I wan tot make sure that I don't offend anyone. To continue, I spilt like half a pot of boiling water on my right hand this morning. who does that. I mean not the fact that I pour boiling water on me, but the fact that I react until after I got halfway through the pot. "Everything in excess." Well at least I heal quickly, the blood flow in my hand doesn't hurt now when I type. the thing that sucks about me is that everything comes in two's. I burnt my thumb (just the thumb)the same way last week.

When I first moved down here I burnt my right forearm pulling frozen pizza out of the oven. it was a really bad burn that got all mess up because the bandaid got ripped off on a rollercoaster. Big scar ended up appearing and was later accompanied by another burn (a little smaller) but adjacent.

When I moved into my new apartment I burnt my stomach bad pulling a tray of baked chicken breast from the oven. Same deal, happened again yet smaller the second time. I am an idiot, just happy that when I stupid decided to cook without a shirt on, I at least kept the bra on. Ouch, sizzle, nipple...

My friend believes that I secretly have a death wish or something. I try to assure him that I am just dumb. Got to love me. Does anyone kow if what I did is a 1st or 2nd degree burn? We couldn't figure it out.

Everything else is all good except that stupid bitch Christi sent me an e-mail. it was a long story about her in pain and going ot the ER for what was a bladder infection. It was filled with mystery and antidotes. What the fuck?! When I end a conversation with,"Not only are you a hyprocrite, you're fucking ignorant too...CLICK" wouldn't you get the hint that I don't really want to be friends anymore? In fact wouldn't that prompt you to not want to be friends with me anymore. I want to respond back and make it even clearer, but then she only turn it around how I made the situation "all about me." I don't want to give her demented little world the satisfaction of it being true.

Anyone out there think I am being heartless in spite of the fact that she was in the E.R. and all. Well I have spent enough time being in and out of freaking hospitals that I can assure all that what she went through was not a big deal though it may be a cornerstone in her life.


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