pucker up

I'm having a baby? 2003-09-17 11:28 a.m.

In regards to the last entry. I am even stupider then I said I was. Following the burningfest in the morning, later that evening i was moving candles around and drip hot wax on my singed hand. Yeah, I blistered up immediately. Like I said I am an idiot.

I woke up yesterday to a very vivid dream about being pregnant and hving a baby. I mean I woke up thinking I had a child for a split second. Not only was the dream so real, it was something that would happen.

Okay out of all the years I was stupid and a moron the one thing I didn't do was get pregnant. Out of all of my bad luck that I had, a baby wasn't part of it. I mean with some of the jerks I've been with and mistakes I've made, I was asking for more trouble. Not that I think a baby is trouble. Children are a blessing and I would have love my baby if I had gotten pregnant. Anyway, maybe the moment wasn't right enough LOL.

In my dream I got pregnant when I went back home for a vacation. I found out after 2 months back down here. My parents got told when I went into the hospital. I am by myself down here, the father is so upset about it but i insist on having a baby. Everyone wants me to move back up. I need to get a job up there and I can't decide if I want to go. La di da. That would so happen to me.

Why am I telling you about it, well come October when I go back home and I don't head my own warning, I might just be pregnant by 2004. I just want to document this if I end up being Clairvoyant. Tee hee.

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